B2B emissions reporting for fleet operations and fuel marketers.
Backed by industry standard methods and third-party experts.
Reporting Made Simple.
Carbon Avoidance Tracker helps you meet client demands for emissions reporting.
We incorporate known standards and include open-source models while applying third party engineering review for quality assurance.
Easy-to-Use Interface
Unique Programs
Top-Line Growth
Carbon Avoidance Tracker
B2B Carbon Reporting
Over the past 12 months, large organizations have begun to assess their total (direct and indirect) emissions throughout their supply chains. New opportunities to engage with these large companies will include a request for your emissions, should you be selected as a partner. Increasingly, emissions reporting is becoming a pre-requisite for doing business and even a requirement to maintain existing or preferred status.
To meet these immediate industry needs, the non-profit Transportation Energy Institute has created the business-to-business (B2B) reporting tool - Carbon Avoidance Tracker. Reports are designed to be shared across inner company divisions or with customers seeking this critical data. For more information, contact Jeff Hove at jhove@transportationenergy.org or call (703)518-7972. Or simply fill out the Contact Us form below.
Full Service Environmental, Social, and Governance (ESG) Reporting Tools: ESG Integrity
Equipping Companies with Automated Reporting
Whether you’re a small or large Fuel Marketer or Fleet Operator, ESG Integrity offers best practices and third-party assurances at a fraction of traditional costs. Online applications include step- by-step guidance and our professionals are available for further consulting, as-needed.
GREET Modeling
GREET Modeling
Reliable data calculations backed by Argonne National Labs.
Piecewise Data Entry
Piecewise Data Entry
Save partial reports and return to where you left off.
Easy ESG Reporting and B2B Sub-Reporting
Easy Reporting
URL Link, PDF, Document, and XML reporting formats.
Why Are ESG Reporting Capabilities Important?
Environmental, Social & Governance Reporting (ESG) is quickly moving from a voluntary corporate PR tool to a regulated B2B prerequisite. By investing in a sound ESG Reporting plan, companies can improve top-line growth, increase access to investor capital, & ensure compliance with future environmental standards.
Corporate Governance
Improving Company Finances
With investor demands for corporate sustainability disclosures rising 140% from 2019 to 2020, transparent investment products present a unique growth opportunity for companies that may soon be required to report their environmental and social commitments.
By getting ahead of the SEC’s proposed reporting requirements, companies that have sustainable practices in place are better situated to receive additional capital investment than those who do not.
Sustainable investment options are the next growth frontier.
More Information
Improving Company FinancesShaping Public Perception
Social Issues
Shaping Public Perception
When tied to relevant and timely industry news, a strategic public relations approach that highlights a company’s sustainable business practices can generate valuable media attention.
With the growth of social media outlets, a company’s public perception can be greatly improved with transparent disclosure of environmental, social and governance data. Companies that fail to meet investor demands for this reporting can be ostracized by environmentally-conscious investors and consumers.
ESG Integrity can ensure that your company meets desired reporting requirements in a simple yet effective manner.
Environmental Management
Decreasing Emissions Output
Under the SEC’s newest proposed rule, investment funds will be required to report the greenhouse gas emissions associated with their portfolio investments. Companies that fail to report both Scope 1 and Scope 2 emissions risk losing out on future investment from large investment funds.
This proposed rule would indirectly require associated companies – both public and private – to report their greenhouse gas emissions data to their partner-company required to disclose its data to the SEC.
Carbon emissions reporting requirements will affect every organization in the supply chain. If an organization is not in compliance, it risks significant financial losses, both from investors and potential business partners.
Decreasing Emissions Output
How can ESG Integrity help you?
A Program Tailored to You
Here at ESG Integrity we recognize the unique characteristics and business needs of fuel marketers and fleet operators. The ESGi application is specifically designed to meet these needs and is not intended for reporting outside of our expertise. By taking this approach, ESGi has been able to create a precise reporting tool which also significantly reduces your costs.
That’s why we provide reporting solutions that are unique to your needs and guidance under multiple Sustainability Reporting Frameworks. By tracking data and applying transparent methods of emissions calculations, we lower your costs and provide you with the metrics needed to grow.



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